Labor Day Gas Prices Lowest in Years! – Real Estate Investing Today

Posted on September 4, 2019 by Kim in Real Estate News

Filler’ up!

The venerable automobile travel organization AAA says that not only will Labor Day’s average cost of gasoline be about 30 cents cheaper than Memorial Day, it will also be the least expensive American’s have paid for a gallon of gas at this time in three years!  They estimate that Americans will pay an average of $2.59 per gallon as they fill up for what is one of the busiest travel holidays of the year.  So, where are we going???

“…gas prices this coming [Labor Day] weekend…are cheaper than this past Memorial Day and last year’s Labor Day holiday,” said Jeanette Casselano, AAA spokesperson. “At the start of the week, two-thirds of all states have gas price averages that are nearly a quarter cheaper than last year.”

And for some historical perspective on Labor Day gas prices:

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